Print Item Tracking Lines

RikarddoRikarddo Member Posts: 80
Imagine this scenario,

I am trying to place the rows of lots sorted by expiration date, used in a warehouse shipment (Report 7317 Dynamics 2016). From what I noticed in the product line I go to the option Item tracking lines by entering the respective page and then I choose the lot entering another page where it shows the lots with the respective quantities ordered by the expiration date.
So I realized this process uses temporary tables to show the products and batches (Entry Summary)

My objective was to put in the report all the batches and respective quantities that are chosen on the item tracking lines page, after closing it and returning to the warehouse sending and printing again.

Can you help me here? if there is already any procedure that does this?

I have founf this page that helps a lot

but i cant understand this part


FindValueEntries(TempTrackingSpecBuffer,DATABASE::"Sales Invoice Line",
0,SalesInvoiceLine."Document No.",'',0,SalesInvoiceLine."Line No.",Descr);

What function is "FindValueEntries" ?,for example or anyone that starts by Find*
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