Hi ,
I cannot able to connect Business Central on Premises from AL using Upgraded DB from 2015
Please help !!
But Normal Default Cronus DB I can able to connect Business Central on Premises from AL.
2. You should be open port 7049, and set enbale "Enable Developer Service Endpoint"
Try it, I hope it is helpful for you.
Hi Vanthanh,
I checked port number and Enable Developer Service Endpoint also .but still same issue
and regarding point No1 it should be 13 since it is BC
Hi manikandan,
"platform": "",
"application": "", is correct.
In my case I set platform with version "", it is still work.
In your case, I think you should check property "authentication" in file "launch.json".
+ "authentication" is "Windows", or "authentication": "UserPassword".
If "authentication" is "Windows", you should make sure table [User] is empty.
If table [User] is not empty, you should check your Windows user is exist in this table or not.
Hi yes you are right i forgot to publish symbols so i have done this also as per Microsoft advice and now i can able to download symbols s
uccessfully .But now new issue coming like Cannot able to Publish extensions from Migrated DB from 2015 to Business Central on Premises CU01
Can you please guide me !
Error message attached for your reference !!
Sorry for late response
You picture is not a worry, you cannot open a app file with VS code (you can it a zip program) How are you getting "Cannot able to Publish extensions from Migrated DB from 2015 to Business Central on Premises CU01"?
For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
You picture is not a worry, you cannot open a app file with VS code (you can it a zip program)
How are you getting "Cannot able to Publish extensions from Migrated DB from 2015 to Business Central on Premises CU01"?
I am trying to publish Demo Project like Hello World from Customer list By right pressing F5 Key should be Publish but in my case not happening Note:
but initially i have installed First Version of BC on Premises (RTMVersion) and on that i was able to publish and can do the customization also using extension but now i have uninstalled and installed for CU01 and now cannot able to publish !!Can you please help me !!!
When it is a upgrade database you need to publish symbole file have you done this?:
Task 17: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics-nav/upgrading-the-data
"platform": "",
"application": "",
2. You should be open port 7049, and set enbale "Enable Developer Service Endpoint"
Try it, I hope it is helpful for you.
Hi Vanthanh,
I checked port number and Enable Developer Service Endpoint also .but still same issue
and regarding point No1 it should be 13 since it is BC
Hi manikandan,
"platform": "",
"application": "", is correct.
In my case I set platform with version "", it is still work.
In your case, I think you should check property "authentication" in file "launch.json".
+ "authentication" is "Windows", or "authentication": "UserPassword".
If "authentication" is "Windows", you should make sure table [User] is empty.
If table [User] is not empty, you should check your Windows user is exist in this table or not.
I hope it can sole your problem.
Hi yes you are right i forgot to publish symbols so i have done this also as per Microsoft advice and now i can able to download symbols s
uccessfully .But now new issue coming like
Cannot able to Publish extensions from Migrated DB from 2015 to Business Central on Premises CU01
Can you please guide me !
Error message attached for your reference !!
Sorry for late response
How are you getting "Cannot able to Publish extensions from Migrated DB from 2015 to Business Central on Premises CU01"?
I am trying to publish Demo Project like Hello World from Customer list
By right pressing F5 Key should be Publish but in my case not happening
but initially i have installed First Version of BC on Premises (RTMVersion) and on that i was able to publish and can do the customization also using extension but now i have uninstalled and installed for CU01 and now cannot able to publish !!Can you please help me !!!
1.NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy must set as false
2.Web Client Base URL is missing so i have given .
Issue has been resolved.
Thanks Sander