Good Day all. I wanted to ask how best I can display the value 0, for a Remaining Amount field that I added in Visual Studio for a Nav Report.
Basically the Remaining Amount field should display output in two ways.
1. Remaining Amount Values that are equal to 0. And
2. Remaining Amount Values that are not equal to zero.
For the first condition I want to be able to append a 0 to the Remaining Amount column if the value of the Remaining Amount is equal to 0. I added this Expression in the visibility of the textbox for the field as this:
=(Fields!RemainAmt_DtldCustLedgEntries.Value = 0). And it returns a blank column, but I want it to return 0 instead.
The second Condition was fairly easy, had no issues with this one because this expression worked just fine:
Expression in the visibility of the textbox for the field as this:
=(Fields!RemainAmt_DtldCustLedgEntries.Value = 0).
=(Fields!RemainAmt_DtldCustLedgEntries.Value = 0) and it displays a blank space for the first table, but I want it to print out 0 instead.
The second table has this expression in the "Visibility" ("Hidden")property: =(Fields!RemainAmt_DtldCustLedgEntries.Value <> 0) this works for the second table.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!