i've searched through the forum, but i didn't find a solution to the problem. So bear with me, if it was already mentioned.
When a user wants to book a credit-note, he gets the message, that there was a security filter on table Cost Account Ledger Entry (5000028). I had a look at the permission sets, but there was no security filter applied to that table. There was set no SETPERMISSION to this table either. So i wonder where this message comes from or where the security filter could be set ?!
A hint where to look or to find the secutirty filter is appreciated.
btw: we are using NAV 2013 R2 German Version.
thanks in advance
The user wanted to book a credit-note with two articles, where one article was booked over cost centers. The permission to book to cost centers are only granted to our controlling- and accounting-department.
The system stopped in Codeunit 5000032 (CostAcc. Journal+Post Line), where it looks for the last record to get the highest entry no. As the user had no role with read permission to the desired table and the codeunit only grants insert-, modify- and deletepermission, the read permission for the user was missing. Hence the error message with the security filter was shown.
The solution was to clear the line with the cost center-article, to book the credit note and to give an information to the accounting department to create a new credit-note.