retaining preceding zeros.

jksjks Member Posts: 277
Hi all,

I want to retain the preceding zero how can i do that?
e.g I have one filed of type BigInteger in my table. If value is of one digit e.g 1 then i should be able to enter 01. How can i do that at table level?

Is there any function in c\al by which i can do that?

Thanks for any help.


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    There is no property for that,

    You can modify the OnFormat Trigger of the form you use to display your variable
    if strlen(text) = 1 then
      text := '0' + text;

    This wil show a minimum of 2 digits on an Integer.


  • UrmasUrmas Member Posts: 76
    Why do you need to do it on table level? Users are not supposed to see your tables anyhow and they should not care how the numbers are represented there.
    You can easily do it on forms just add a correct Format property to the integer field. One what works should be something similar to <integer,2><Filler Character,0>
  • jksjks Member Posts: 277

    It works. But one problem is there. What i want is:

    I have one user id e.g USER01. i want to appent that biginteger with this userid e.g if value of biginteger is 10 then value is USER0110 but if value of biginteger is 9 then it should be USER0109. When i display the value of bigint then it displays 09 but when i append it, it appends only 9 so USER019

    Please help.
  • UrmasUrmas Member Posts: 76
    Use Format command before appending to format the integer using the same format specifier I described earlier. This should solve your problem.
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