Hi all,
I want to retain the preceding zero how can i do that?
e.g I have one filed of type BigInteger in my table. If value is of one digit e.g 1 then i should be able to enter 01. How can i do that at table level?
Is there any function in c\al by which i can do that?
Thanks for any help.
You can modify the OnFormat Trigger of the form you use to display your variable
This wil show a minimum of 2 digits on an Integer.
You can easily do it on forms just add a correct Format property to the integer field. One what works should be something similar to <integer,2><Filler Character,0>
It works. But one problem is there. What i want is:
I have one user id e.g USER01. i want to appent that biginteger with this userid e.g if value of biginteger is 10 then value is USER0110 but if value of biginteger is 9 then it should be USER0109. When i display the value of bigint then it displays 09 but when i append it, it appends only 9 so USER019
Please help.