How to set up in Nav4?

tatianatatiana Member Posts: 37
Hi all!
I need some advices. I would like to know how to set up in Nav4 a distributor network of heavy duty equipment parts.

The company distributes heavy duty equipment parts for truck and has several branch plants. each plant manages its own inventory. Each plant manages its own trucks who deliver pieces to customers.

Lets say each branch plant is created in nav4 as a ditribution center --> Warehouse and responsability center.
Each truck is a "shipping agent service or code" in Nav4.

1. Is it correct to set up the system as i mentionned above?
2. Is it possible to manage warranty of pieces in nav4?
2. Manage "cheque postdated" in Nav4?

Ps: NO Management of trucks is schedule.

Thank you for all your suggestions.
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