Trying to update an tenant from multitenant solution to BC on Prem.
When following MS guide is says to:
0: Import upgrade toolkit
1: Mount Tenant
2: Sync-Navtenant
3: Start-NavDataupgrade
However when I sync tenant, i get following error:
Sync-NAVTenant : Following SQL-error was unexpected:
Invalid column name 'Schema Hash'.
It is in table 2000000071 Object Metadata in tenant database, that no such field exist.
I must miss a step, where this field is added to database, but where?
In my case the issue was with : Table 2000000111 - Session Event
Would a default tenant mounted on APP instance make a difference? I tried my initial upgrade with a default tenant mountet.
I tried compiling all tables with sync-later option this last time with only my 2018 tenant mountet as other than default id...