TreatAsArray := '//role';when we would have the same sample as on the newtonsoft website.
[TryFunction] ExportXmlPort2Json(ThisRecAsVar : Variant;XMLPortNo : Integer;VAR JsonResult : DotNet "System.String") begin TempBlob.Blob.CREATEOUTSTREAM( OutStr); XMLPORT.EXPORT( XMLPortNo, OutStr, ThisRecAsVar); ConvertXMLToJson(TempBlob, JsonResult); end; function ConvertXMLToJson(VAR TempBlob : TEMPORARY Record TempBlob;VAR Json : DotNet "System.String") begin TempBlob.Blob.CREATEINSTREAM(InStr); XmlDocument := XmlDocument.XmlDocument; XmlDocument.Load(InStr); IF TreatAsArray <> '' THEN BEGIN XmlAtt := XmlDocument.CreateAttribute( 'json', 'Array',''); XmlAtt.InnerText := 'true'; WHILE STRPOS(TreatAsArray,';') >0 DO // to allow multiple nodes to be marked as an array. BEGIN ArrayNode := COPYSTR( TreatAsArray, 1, STRPOS(TreatAsArray,';')-1); TreatAsArray := COPYSTR( TreatAsArray, STRPOS(TreatAsArray,';')+1, STRLEN(TreatAsArray)); XMLNode := XmlDocument.SelectSingleNode( ArrayNode); XMLNode.Attributes.Append( XmlAtt); END; ArrayNode := TreatAsArray; XMLNode := XmlDocument.SelectSingleNode( ArrayNode); // xpath notation XMLNode.Attributes.Append( XmlAtt); END; Json := JSONConvert.SerializeXmlNode(XmlDocument.DocumentElement,JSONFormatting.Indented,TRUE); end;
I handled similar situation earlier, may be my idea help you. I don't have example ready with me.
Create extra Node with same name where source as Text in XMLport. In JSON this will create Array. In JSON if you see extra character that you wist to remove then use something like this:
// Special handling
DotNetString := DotNetString.Replace('},""]}}}','}]}}}');
Do let us know if this is helpful?
there was no question in my post, just a small piece of code to share. I wanted to have a generic solution, where the XMLPort is coming from a setup table, together with the TreatAsArray variable.
Doing so allows me to have the XMLPort have the same elements as needed in the json structure.
HI, if I use this solution I get always a null at the beginning of the list.
I have this XMLPort
But when I convert it to json I get
How can I get rid of that null?
Thanks in advance,
Nuno Silva