
Actions Table (99001509)

mickukmickuk Member Posts: 47
edited 2005-12-14 in Navision Financials

I am still quite new to Navision and i'm wondering if there is anything associated with the Actions table within version 2.6.03.

For our system table 99001509 contains fields such as...

Entry No.
Source Counter
Location Group Filter
Table No.

I'm not quite sure if this table is something that has been setup by our software supplier of if its a core table within Navision. I'm looking to find transactions related to the actions that have taken place. I would expect to see for example....

actions table:-
entry: 1
source counter: 34
Locationo Group Filter: x
Action: Update-Add
Table No.: 27

And within a "history" table something associated with entry number 1 from the actions table which then showed what information had been added/modified within the item table (27) for entry number 1.

Hope this makes sense?

Thanks in advance


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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    It must be some add-on because standard objects in Navision Manufacturing (2.60) end with no. 99000853...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    mickukmickuk Member Posts: 47
    Thanks very much for the advice :) You have no doubt answered a few other questions in your post as i now know where core modules end.
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    JulianHarperJulianHarper Member Posts: 63
    The Actions table is part of the Retail Back Office module and it is used to keep track of changes in the database for data replication.

    Julian Harper
    IT Manager
    Laytons Wine Merchants Ltd
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