IF Company.FINDSET THEN REPEAT jobqueueEntry.CHANGECOMPANY(Company.Name); IF jobqueueEntry.FINDSET THEN REPEAT TempTable823.ID +=1; TempTable823.Name := Company.Name; TempTable823.Value := FORMAT(jobqueueEntry.ID); TempTable823.INSERT; UNTIL jobqueueEntry.NEXT = 0; UNTIL Company.NEXT = 0;
JobQueueEntry.CHANGECOMPANY(Name); EVALUATE(JobQueueEntry.ID, Value); JobQueueEntry.FIND;
PROCEDURE CheckJobQueues() BEGIN IF Company.FINDSET THEN REPEAT //.. UNTIL Company.NEXT = 0; PAGE.RUNMODAL(YourPageID, TempTable823); ENDI woud then call the function from an Action. If the function was meant to be used form more than one place I would put it in a separate codeunit. If you have a spare codeunit to be used just for that you can stick all the code in OnRun() trigger, and then you could link it to the menu, etc.
@wait I guess I could save the original guid in some other fields. A guess key:value would be optimal but that doesn't seem to be an option with c/al. Id rather not hardcode 15 variables. Do you have an idea for this?
This is your temp buffer:
The page displaying the Job Queue entries across companies is based on table 823, and has a global JobQueueEntry record. Fields from global JobQueueEntry var can be displayed on the page.
You run this page by calling PAGE.RUN(yourpageID, TempTable823)
Then in on OnAferGetRecord (or in OnAferGetCurrentRecord if the page is Card) you can do:
Then your Actions can use current value of global JobQueueEntry rec.
Since the table used to buffer JobQueueEntry PKs per company is a simple one it will not allow you to filter for any specific values from any field from Job Queue Entry table.
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
Neat. Thanks.
One question, from where would I call PAGE.RUN(...)?
I woud then call the function from an Action. If the function was meant to be used form more than one place I would put it in a separate codeunit. If you have a spare codeunit to be used just for that you can stick all the code in OnRun() trigger, and then you could link it to the menu, etc.
Dynamics NAV, MS SQL Server, Wherescape RED;
PRINCE2 Practitioner - License GR657010572SG
GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer - PECB License DPCDPO1025070-2018-03
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!