code syntax remove comma from decimal

RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
need to convert 1,376 to 1376 in one line of code
I am using a variable getvalue = 1,376

can someone give me guidance



  • abtmnabtmn Member Posts: 27
    pseudocode should look similar to this:

    tVar := FORMAT(1,376) //convert to text var
    DELSTR(tVar, StrPos(tVar,','),1)

    EVALUATE(dVar,tVar); //convert back to decimal

    //Result should be 1376
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    EVALUATE(intResultInInteger, DELCHR(FORMAT(decYourDecimal),'<=>',','));

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Text := FORMAT(YourDecimal,0,1);

    It will create text string from the decimal without thousand separator (standard format 1)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
    When I EVALUATE this amount example

    tvar :=FORMAT(Amount);
    tvar :=DELSTR( tvar, STRPOS( tvar,','),1);

    how do I pass Amount in new format to a codeunit??
  • Hi:

    I have the same problem with C/SIDE. I need to turn string to numerico and in the documentation I have not found any function to be able to make it.

    Thanks beforehand.

    A greeting, Juan.
    RKM wrote:
    When I EVALUATE this amount example

    tvar :=FORMAT(Amount);
    tvar :=DELSTR( tvar, STRPOS( tvar,','),1);

    how do I pass Amount in new format to a codeunit??
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    This problem I have faced a lot of times, and always it differed somewhat from the previous times. So I created a function that can handle all.
    Function String2Decimal(ptexString : Text[250];ptexFormat : Text[250];PtexDecimalSign : Text[1]) PdecReturnValue : Decimal
    // String2Decimal
    // Receives a string and a format and converts that to a decimal
    // If a decimal sign is put into the string, then the rest of the size is not important,
    //   the right side is considered the decimal part, the left side is considered the integer part.
    //   The format is not considered in that case.
    //   Non-digit-characters are just filtered out ex: 'A5B6.D8R' => 56.8
    // If no decimal sign is put into the string, the format is important and it is interpreted
    //   FROM RIGHT TO LEFT (and not from left to right)!!
    //   ex : '12345','IIIIIIDD' => 123.45
    //   ex2 : '12345','IDD' => 123.45   (the decimal digits are important, the rest is added when necessary)
    //   ptexString : the string to be converted
    //   ptexFormat : the format of the string (if it is a normal number, with a decimal sign if necessary,
    //                                          you can leave this parameter blank)
    //                   i : integer part
    //                   d : decimal part
    //                   . : decimal sign
    //   PtexDecimalSign : ',' : decimal comma
    //                     '.' : decimal dot
    //                     other character : standard of Navision for decimal sign
    //   RETURN-VALUE : the decimal or 0 if something was wrong with ptexString
    // EX: (the point is always the current decimal sign in these examples!!)
    //   '12345','II.DD' => 12.45
    //   '12345','IDD' => 123.45
    //   '12345','DD' => 123.45
    //   '12345','IIIIIIIDD',123.45
    //   '12345','' => 12345
    //   '-12345','' => -12345
    //   '12D3D4D5','' => 12345
    //   '12D3D4D5','I' => 12345
    //   '123.45','' => 123.45
    //   '123.45','III.DD' => 123.45
    //   '123.45','IID.DD' => 123.45
    //   '1,123.45','' => 1123.45
    IF DELCHR(ptexFormat,'=','ID.') <> '' THEN
    // determine thousand and decimal seperator
    IF (PtexDecimalSign <> ',') AND
       (PtexDecimalSign <> '.') THEN
      PtexDecimalSign := GetDecimalSign();
    PdecReturnValue := 0;
    lblnNegative := FALSE;
    ltexIntegerPart := '';
    ltexDecimalPart := '';
    lint := NumEntries(ptexString,PtexDecimalSign);
    IF lint = 1 THEN BEGIN
      lintLen := STRLEN(ptexString);
      lintLen2 := STRLEN(ptexFormat);
      WHILE lintLen + lintLen2 > 0 DO BEGIN
        IF lintLen2 = 0 THEN BEGIN
          ltexIntegerPart := COPYSTR(ptexString,1,lintLen) + ltexIntegerPart;
          lintLen := 0;
        ELSE IF lintLen = 0 THEN
          lintLen2 := 0
        ELSE BEGIN
          CASE FORMAT(ptexFormat[lintLen2]) OF
            'D': ltexDecimalPart := COPYSTR(ptexString,lintLen,1) + ltexDecimalPart;
            'I': ltexIntegerPart := COPYSTR(ptexString,lintLen,1) + ltexIntegerPart;
        lintLen := lintLen - 1;
        lintLen2 := lintLen2 - 1;
      ltexIntegerPart := Entry(1,ptexString,PtexDecimalSign);
      ltexDecimalPart := Entry(2,ptexString,PtexDecimalSign);
    ltexIntegerPart := DELCHR(ltexIntegerPart,'=',DELCHR(ltexIntegerPart,'=','-+0123456789'));
    ltexDecimalPart := DELCHR(ltexDecimalPart,'=',DELCHR(ltexDecimalPart,'=','-+0123456789'));
    lintLen := STRLEN(ltexIntegerPart);
    FOR lint := 1 TO lintLen DO BEGIN
      CASE FORMAT(ltexIntegerPart[lint]) OF
        '-': lblnNegative := TRUE;
        '0'..'9': BEGIN
          PdecReturnValue := PdecReturnValue * 10 + lintHelp;
    lintLen := STRLEN(ltexDecimalPart);
    FOR lint := 1 TO lintLen DO BEGIN
      CASE FORMAT(ltexDecimalPart[lint]) OF
        '-': lblnNegative := TRUE;
        '0'..'9': BEGIN
          PdecReturnValue := PdecReturnValue + lintHelp * POWER(0.1,lint);
    IF lblnNegative THEN
      PdecReturnValue := - PdecReturnValue;
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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