Issue with Custom Workflow - custom table

RodtmcleanRodtmclean Member Posts: 89
edited 2018-10-17 in NAV Three Tier
I'm having some issues with a custom workflow I have developed. Approve, Reject and Delegate are all working fine. However, Cancel is only working at the first level of approval.

1. User 1 sends the document for approval to User 2 and it is possible to cancel.

2. If the amount is too high for User 2, when they approve, the approval is sent to User 3 to approve (lets say they have unlimited amounts). At this point it is not possible to cancel the document.

I have noticed that after User 2 approves in point 2 above, the workflow step instances are move to the Workflow Step Instance Archived table and there are no records in Workflow Step Instance.

The following is from Workflow Step Instance prior to User 2 approving. After User 2 has approved the workflow steps are moved to archived and there are no current ones.

Appreciate any pointers. I am currently comparing my code with purchase document workflow code but still can't see quite where I've gone wrong.

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