I created a new page (type worksheet). The page is based on a temporary table in our unlicensed range. I'm using the feature that allows tables outside the license range to be used as temporary tables.
When I added this page action to a Role Center page, the page would not appear in the Role Center. After messing around with it quite a bit, I recreated the page from scratch (it was originally copied from another page object). Now, the page will appear in the Role Center.
I then went to place it on the Departments menu by adding an item to Menusuite 1090. No matter what I do, this new page will not display. If I change the page object being called in that particular menu option, the menu option appears OK. As soon as I change it back to my new page, the page menu option disappears.
Does anyone know of any strange "rules" as to whether a page will appear in a menusuite? Is it filtering on licensed objects, and that is the problem?
We're running NAV 2016 CU32.