I am upgrading to NAV 2018 and have run into a license issue. We currently have purchased access to pages 50000 to 50499 and have used up almost all of those pages.
Part of my strategy to upgrade to NAV 2018 is to create page extensions for all of our page mods to base objects. In doing this I have to assign the page extension to a new page object id. This would mean that I have to pay for more pages to do customizations on an existing base NAV page.
For example there are few fields I have added to Page 10 Countries/Regions. In order to do this in AL it requires an additional page in our object range. it will require me to purchase more pages. Do people agree this is the way it is or am I missing something?
We have discussed this and I would like to air our current thinking to get your feedback before we move forward with this. The proposal is that we allow objects in the range 80.000 to 99.999 to be used at no additional cost for either table extensions or page extensions. These objects can be used to extend objects that are in the range of 0-1.000.000. This will allow extending the base application as well as any customisations made in the 50.000 to 99.999 range
If your intention is to extend an existing solution you will have to buy objects in the 50.000 to 79.999 range or do code customisation
I still havn't got a confirmation on this.