Dimensions Issue

NajamNajam Member Posts: 4
Hi Dear,

I am unable to see the dimension in the 'GL by dimensions', however when I go to the individual GL entries, the entries in that period has dimensions.
I could not see the dimensions in the global dimension column added in the ledger entries table, however if I select the individual entry and click on the dimensions button in the action bar, the entry has a dimensions.

Can anyone guide in this regard.


  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    Dimensions are stored in a separate table. Global Dimensions are also dedicated fields in the main tables of NAV. Usually these are synchronized, but it might happen that either the Dimension table in the background or the dedicated fields are not filled correctly. This can be due to a bug, customization, migration issue,... the root cause depends on your individual situation.

    Please also check the General Ledger Setup to see what Dimensions are set as Global Dimensions. This might also be a reason why it's not synchronized in the right way.
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • NajamNajam Member Posts: 4
    Dear einsTein.NET,

    Thanks for your reply.

    The Gen Led Setup, shows the 'work order' as general dimension. I have tried setting up multiple companies in the test mode, but the issue persists.

    I even tries the Jet reports, but no success. :neutral:
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