Log Entries

toshitaporitoshitapori Member Posts: 52
Hi All,
I am stuck with a problem where i dont want to store the changes in the log entries which are created automatically if the change log is activated instead i want that if a user changes a particluar field for ex on salesheader if the user changes deafult Bill to customer No which gets defaulted in the system when we make a sales order then that entry shud be logged .How can it be done .I looked all the posting on Log entries but still cant figure it out .

Thanks in advance
Best Regards,


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    ChangeLog is logging only changes made by user... if you set loging modification for the needed field, it will be logged when user change it...

    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • toshitaporitoshitapori Member Posts: 52
    Hi Kine,
    I agree with u that it will do that .I will explain with an example .Assume there is a field x on the sales header now when we created a sales order the log entries will log the change and after that if the user changes the x field it will log that entry too .Now i dont want 2 entries i want only one entry where user made a change after the salesheader was inserted on the field x which is the second one .
    I hope i explained my point ..

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I thought that the first one will be not logged, because it is not user who change the record, but if you tried it and it is logged, then you need to not call the OnModify trigger (use MODIFY(False) instead MODIFY(true) or INSERT(False) instead INSERT(True)) - but do not forgot that you may need the C/AL code which is in the OnModify (OnInsert) trigger for example for assigning no. from No. serie...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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