Integer - Export :: OnAfterGetRecord () ... SalesLine3.Quantity: = ivardec; SalesLine3. "Container Code": = ItemContainerNO; ltBusRel.SETRANGE ("Contact No.", ContactNo); ltBusRel.SETRANGE ("Business Relation Code", "CLI"); IF ltBusRel.FINDFIRST THEN BEGIN ltCustomer.GET (ltBusRel. "No."); END; SalesLine3. "Document Type": = SalesLine3. "Document Type" :: Order; SalesLine3. "Sell-to Customer No": = ltCustomer. "No."; SalesLine3. "Document No.": = 'TEMP'; SalesLine3. "No.": = ItemNo; SalesLine3. "Location Code": = Location; SalesLine3. "Line No.": = 1000; - Here I call the codeunit lcPricingtool, with parameters that I get lcPricingTool.GetPVmin (SalesLine3, CodT, ContactNo, CodPostal, CodPais, ''); --then the calculated values in the CU should be passed to my variables PT where I return them PT_CustoVasilhame: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Cost Container"); PT_CustoOpe: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Cost Operation"); CUSTOMER: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Supplier Cost"); PT_CustomCustomer: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Customer Cost"); PT_CustoStk: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Cost Stock"); PT_CostTransport: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Transport Cost"); PT_CostTransfer: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Transfer Cost"); PT_PMinimo: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "PV Minimo"); PT_PAconfigured: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "PV Advised"); PT_CustoUnit: = FORMAT (SalesLine3. "Unit Cost"); And here is the code unit and where CU fails GetPVmin (VAR SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ShipAgent: Code [20]; Contact: Code [20]; ShipPostCode: Code [20]; Country: Code [10]; EndEnv: Code [20]): Decimal SalesLine.SETFILTER (Type, '<> 0'); Container: = 0; IF SalesLine.FINDSET THEN //<--It fails here with (Encomenda,TEMP,1000) BEGIN IF (SalesLine. "Document Type" <> SalesLine. "Document Type" :: Order) THEN EXIT; ...
SalesLine3. "Document Type": = SalesLine3. "Document Type" :: Order; SalesLine3. "Sell-to Customer No": = ltCustomer. "No."; SalesLine3. "Document No.": = 'TEMP'; SalesLine3. "No.": = ItemNo; SalesLine3. "Location Code": = Location; SalesLine3. "Line No.": = 1000; Salesline3.INSERT; // Add this line - Here I call the codeunit lcPricingtool, with parameters that I get lcPricingTool.GetPVmin (SalesLine3, CodT, ContactNo, CodPostal, CodPais, '');
Perhaps you should insert the record before calling the codeunit