Sales Invoice Shipment Link

KWevickKWevick Member Posts: 103
I am trying to link the Sales Invoices to their specific Shipments. I know you can have many shipments on one invoice. It doesn't seem to be in the Shipment Header or Line file. Is there some lurking table out there that ties these 2 together? If so, what. Thanks for your help.


  • welanderwelander Member Posts: 20
    edited 2018-09-21
    You can link them by the "order no."
  • KWevickKWevick Member Posts: 103
    Thank you. While that is true, there can be many shipments against an order and many invoices. Sometimes on the same day in my clients high volume, ship-same-day spare parts environment. I know there used to be a link, pre RTC, but I just can't remember.
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