I am using the NAV performance test tool (see
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/freddyk/2017/01/22/how-is-this-perf-testing-thing-actually-working/) to do some testing. I haven't been able to successfully connect to a docker container which hosts Business Central Release.
In earlier versions of Dynamics Nav (NAV2018, 2017), I was able to connect with
https://<your public dns name>/NAV/WebClient/cs but now that my container is on Docker, I don't what connection string should be. I have tried
https://mycontainername:7047/NAV/WebClient/cs and
https://mycontainername/NAV/WebClient/cs and but still no luck. I have even tried using
https://mycontainername/nav/NAV/WebClient in the settings.settings table which used to work in previous versions of NAV but now I get Error: System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid..
PS: the testing forum is just to do some posts to try forum-features. Not for NAV testing.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Use the URL provided in the web client info. So please check your Docker log
Starting Container
Hostname is cdc633cdb0a2
Container IP Address:
Container Hostname : cdc633cdb0a2
Container Dns Name : cdc633cdb0a2
Web Client : https://cdc633cdb0a2/NAV/
NAV Admin Username : admin
NAV Admin Password : Biba4071
Initialization took 83 seconds
Ready for connections!