Enter Fraction Values on NAV

pferreirapferreira Member Posts: 22
edited 2018-09-03 in NAV Three Tier

I would like to know if it is possible to save values as a fraction. IE: US and UK size charts where you have 28 3/4, etc
I don't know if there is any special property, like a SQL collation, or something that suports saving the data in this format.

Best Answer


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    You could also define them as option. If you do it well, you can use the option value to do calculations.
    value = caption
    1 = 1/8
    2 = 1/4
    3 = 3/8
    4 = 1/2
    5 = 5/8
    6 = 3/4
    7 = 7/8

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • pferreirapferreira Member Posts: 22
    Hi guys, thank you for all the replies.
    I'll go with basic solution, since this is only to use on a couple of layouts, where we setup the decimal value and the text conversion on a table (IE: 125 is 1/8, 25 is 1/4).
    I thought there would be some kind of solution, since this is common on sizing on the US and UK, but no luck.
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