Auto Journal Posting

navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
edited 2018-08-30 in NAV Three Tier
Dear Sir,

I want to create & post a separate Journal lines automatically during posting a (Manually created) Gen. Journal Lines in NAV 2016. To get this I have made some customization in base NAVISION. Therefor the auto entry line is generated in back-end & post if Auto Entry field is ticked in Gen Journal Line. The Users choose Yes/No in this Auto Entry field on Gen. Journal Line if Account Type is Vendor .

I have written my code in Codeunit 13 Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch for backed posting of my auto Journal Line. I have some doubt that there might be a chance of mismatched Value in Amount field in Vendor Ledger Entry table & G/L Entry table which are created from Manual Journals & automated Journals if there is any taxation involved.

Now, I just want to know is it possible to know (in Codeunit 13) how much Amount (Amount to Vendor) will be posted in Vendor Ledger Entry Table from the Manual Journal Lines (where Auto Entry is ticked) ? So that I can put the same value in my my Auto Journal.

As far as I know that Codeunit 13 called Codeunit 12 to post all the Journal Lines (& create Ledger Entries) in NAV. The Codeunit 12 only knows the Amount to Vendor during posting.

Is there any inbuilt function which helps me in this regards ? Or do you have any better option for the same ?

Kindly reply.

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