Ledger Entry Pages - sorting set to Entry no.? Why? NAV 2017 and 2018

frededkfrededk Member Posts: 1

just wondering - why has this been set on both Cust.ledg. Vend.ledg and Item ledg.entries (Page 38)??

Must give poor performance with many entries? :o:/

Best regards,



  • RockWithNAVRockWithNAV Member Posts: 1,139
    Its a primary key why you thinking it will have performance issue?
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,148
    And furthermore, it is the clustered key, so, this is the best solution performance wise other than setting the sort order according to your filters.
    This it is actually attempted and had been working in previous versions, e.g. Customer Card, Action Ledger Entries, using the RunPageView property. Microsoft obviously did not realize, this does no longer work, or did not care, when they decided to sort the page in descending order. With setting the SourceTableView property on the page, this overrides the RunPageView property from the caller.
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