NAV2017 CU6.
I have two users who manage items throw item card. But sales prices are not allowed for one user. I removed read permissions for sales prices for that user. The user cant open item card now because some checks in OnOpenPage.
Is there some tricks to do it?
Stack trace from debugger when the item card is opening with no access to sales lines.
Object Type Object ID Object Name Function Name Line No.
Table 1304 Sales Price and Line Disc Buff LoadSalesPrice 141
Table 1304 Sales Price and Line Disc Buff LoadDataForItem 45
Page 30 Item Card UpdateSpecialPricesAndDiscountsTxt 144
Page 30 Item Card EnableControls 57
Page 30 Item Card OnOpenPage 5
Instead of "remove read permission", you can try change to "set read permission to indirect".
Instead of "remove read permission" of table,, you can try "remove execute permission" of page.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!