Mandatory fields on Item card

I am trying to think of a way of making the creation of item cards more full proof. I have investigated the use of Item card approval, but this doesn't really prevent someone from missing some fields the card that has an effect when running the MRP, eg missing vendor, or replenishment system etc.
I was thinking that maybe some fields could be made mandatory, thus preventing the item card from being used if these have not been completed.
Has anyone come across a similar problem/requirement?



  • NutsterNutster Member Posts: 4
    I have been exploring using Master Item Templates (search for Setup Master Template). Specify the name and table (27 for items) and then start specifying which fields you want to define when creating a new item, including any that must be filled out, even if not with your default value. When you create a new item, specify the item code (probably from a number series) and then click on Apply Template in Actions tab - Functions section of the Ribbon; choose which template to apply, and all that pre-set data is automatically filled in. If you have left the Default blank, but mark it as mandatory, the user must fill in that field.

    So far it looks promising, but the proof will be when I have to create some new items.
  • KTA8KTA8 Member Posts: 399
    We've that need and we solve it by checking those neccesary fields on close card and if they aren't completed by blocked the item
  • lanemarklanemark Member Posts: 83
    Hi Nutster

    I created a template as per your instructions, when i created a new item using the template I expected some kind off error message when I didn't fill in one of the mandatory fields, this wasn't the case.
    So I tried adding the item onto Sales order thinking this may error, no it didn't.
    Am I missing something?

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