Purchase Order & Sub Form

mbskapilmbskapil Member Posts: 43
Hi all, In a default purchase order form (which contains a sub form as well) i would like to relate my no feild in in sub form to no field in header, as in header i hav given an option to choose one among the four no. series & corrosponding to it the no. field in sub form should pick the item no.
Any Guesses


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262

    :o Let me see if I understand you:

    On the Purchase Header you have an option to chose from 4 different item categories?

    If you want the lookup of the no. field in the line to respond to the header you have to :

    1. create programmed lookups
    2. Find a way to copy them into the lines and add them to the conditioned tablerelation.

    I think Option 1 is the most straigtforward method.

    Let me know if this helps.


  • ngebhardngebhard Member Posts: 127
    I suppose the following is questioned:

    There are different no series to get the number of the purchase header. Depending on which no series in the purchase header is used there is a different item to be choosen in the purchase line.

    Am I right?

    Is this supposed to happen automatically? Then I would just use the insert trigger of the purchase header table. On the purchase header, the no series is saved. Just make a case-coding and insert the purchase line with the item no.

    But I actually I'm not quite sure if I understood the problem.

    Best regards
    N. Gebhard
    ProTAKT Projekte & Business Software AG
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner
    Bad Nauheim, Germany
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    This is a nice game

    Encode the question and create a coded answer

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