Hi all, In a default purchase order form (which contains a sub form as well) i would like to relate my no feild in in sub form to no field in header, as in header i hav given an option to choose one among the four no. series & corrosponding to it the no. field in sub form should pick the item no.
Any Guesses
On the Purchase Header you have an option to chose from 4 different item categories?
If you want the lookup of the no. field in the line to respond to the header you have to :
1. create programmed lookups
2. Find a way to copy them into the lines and add them to the conditioned tablerelation.
I think Option 1 is the most straigtforward method.
Let me know if this helps.
There are different no series to get the number of the purchase header. Depending on which no series in the purchase header is used there is a different item to be choosen in the purchase line.
Am I right?
Is this supposed to happen automatically? Then I would just use the insert trigger of the purchase header table. On the purchase header, the no series is saved. Just make a case-coding and insert the purchase line with the item no.
But I actually I'm not quite sure if I understood the problem.
Best regards
N. Gebhard
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner
Bad Nauheim, Germany
Encode the question and create a coded answer