
NAV2017 CRM Integration - Date Only fields

eYeeYe Member Posts: 168

I had to write integration for custom CRM entities.

I created the table and field mappings and the integration happens through the standard Integration Codeunits.

However, I noticed that Date fields are pulled through incorrectly.
And I understand why, just not sure how to fix it and actually would expect it to be working out of the box.

A date is entered in CRM as 01/08/2018.
(Depending on the Time Zone) It is stored in SQL as 31/07/2018 22:00:00.
NAV reads the date as 31/07/2018

And I can already see this issue when running the Page for the linked table directly.

DateTime conversions are done correctly. (Only experiencing this issue with Date fields)
Entered in CRM as 01/08/2018 00:00:00.
(Depending on the Time Zone) It is stored in SQL as 31/07/2018 22:00:00.
NAV reads the date as 01/08/2018 00:00:00

The Services Time Zone on the Service Tier is set to Server Time Zone.

Any suggestions? Is there a standard configuration that I am missing maybe?

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,
Ewald Venter
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