This is regarding Virtual table 2000000028.
We were able to create a page for it and run it.
This pretty much gives you table detail such as number of records.
I did that in my local copy of BC365 (NAV 2018) however when I run it , I don't get any data. It seems to me like it is permission related.
Any ideas ??
Do you use Docker for you testing? In VScode app.json there is propery "target", by default it is ""target":"Extension"," (if there is no target it is extension also) and this virtual table can not be used in extension development. Thoung you can change target to "Internal" then it should work, at least for me it works.
But if you had target Extension normally you shouldnt be able to build package with this table.
I was able to create the extension.
It installed successfully, however after that message I received an error message
[2018-07-13 12:42:52.86] Sending request to http://mybizcentralapp:7049/NAV/dev/apps?SchemaUpdateMode=synchronize
[2018-07-13 12:42:55.75] Success: The package 'Default publisher_Table' has been published to the server.
[2018-07-13 12:42:55.83] Error: An internal error has occurred
I can see the extension on the Extensions page, however when I search for the page, I don't find it.
I made sure I have the following on the page design.
UsageCategory = Administration;
Any ideas ?
Package validation failed due to the following error(s): error PTE0005: App.json 'target' property must not be set to 'Internal'. - Job Id : 87dc5152-3152-448f-9834-66ca581fd4cc
Any ideas ? It does not like my target property of internal in a production environment.
also follow
Franz Kalchmair, MVP
Alias: Jonathan Archer
please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.