Upgrade from 2013 to 2018 - Upload of objects and cannot DROP index on Synchronize Schema


I am doing my first NAV upgrade to 2018. The current version is 2013.

With previous upgrades I have done, the steps have been typically as follows:

1.) Open the database in the new development environment/delete the old application objects except the tables.
2.) Import the Upgrade toolkit fob file.
3.) Run stage one of the toolkit fob file to move the data to the temporary tables.
4.) Upload the fob file containing the new application objects. Sync/recompile as required.
5.) Run the second stage of the upgrade toolkit.
6.) Delete the toolkit objects

Reading the 2018 upgrade notes, these state

"Import the application objects FOB file first, and then import the upgrade toolkit FOB file."

Is this correct? Will this not affect standard fields in 2013 that are updated in 2018 if the 2018 table structure is changed before the upgrade tools are run?

I followed through the instructions on my test copy and then recompiled the objects as requested in the next section (Task 11: Compile all objects that are not already compiled) and got the following errors:

Table - 21 - Cust. Ledger Entry - The following SQL error was unexpected: Cannot DROP the index 'First Company Name$Cust_ Ledger Entry.$7' because it is not a statistics collection.

Table - 5802 - Value Entry - The following SQL error was unexpected: Cannot DROP the index 'First Company Name$Value Entry.$12' because it is not a statistics collection.

Many thanks in advance
Edward Bloomfield

Lead Consultant


  • Edward_BloomfieldEdward_Bloomfield Member Posts: 155
    Update: I have attempted to drop the secondary keys on the affected NAV tables but I then got the same error message about not being able to DROP the index.
    Edward Bloomfield

    Lead Consultant
  • pedro_sanzpedro_sanz Member Posts: 1
    edited 2018-11-07
    I have the same problem with Table 5802 and solved it by uncheck its last secondary key. Once I recompiled the object, the issue disappeared. Then, I rechecked the secondary key and recompiled again. Everything worked perfect.
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