Replace last space with character

sharon95sharon95 Member Posts: 183
Hi all, I would like to replace the last space of a string and put a new character. eg: from "Test something 1" to "Test something, 1"... I tried with some convertstr, delchr functions but nothing worked.. any idea? Thank you...


  • sharon95sharon95 Member Posts: 183
    ok, I'm done with that, the last doubt is how can I replace a part of a string?
    String -> hello world
    search -> wo
    replace with -> WO
    result -> hello WOrld
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 629
    Generally no way. CONVERSTR converts all occurence of fromchars to tochars (
  • KishormKishorm Member Posts: 921
    You can do this using a dotnet string. Create a new variable of type System.String from mscorlib...

    'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.String

    ...then use the Replace method...

    MyDotNetString := ‘hello world’;
    MyDotNetString := MyDotNetString.Replace(‘wo’,’WO’);
  • mucamuca Member Posts: 42
    edited 2018-07-13
    there is no function such, in this case I think You need to make Your own function
    can be like this

    LastSpacePos(Tstr : Text[30]) SpacePos : Integer
    SpacePos:=STRPOS(Tstr,' ');
    IF SpacePos = 0 THEN EXIT(0);
    SpacePos:=SpacePos+STRPOS(Tstr,' ');
    Tstr:=COPYSTR(Tstr,STRPOS(Tstr,' ')+1,30);

    so if there are no spaces in Tstr then return 0 like STRPOS (built-in function)

    You can add also a second parameter that will find any character and return last position in string ;)
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