To others who doesn't know the process to pass negative & positive adjustment in advance warehouse module -->
First go to warehouse item journal --> Update item number, Quantity(+/-) location code and select from zone & bin code. To Zone, update item tracking lines & bin code will automatic update as adj bin based on warehouse setup. and click on register option which is available in ribbon.
Then go to item journal calculate whse. item journal, give the filter option and click on ok. Once you will click on ok system will calculate the the lines and update in item journal screen, update item tracking lines and post the (+/-) journal.
Hi. This is a forum not your MS Partner's support desk so including 'asap' in the query pointless. Have you googled your query? As you are using warehousing, have you looked at warehouse journal adjustments?
If you are using Advance Warehouse then what you are supposed to do is you need to navigate first Whse Item Journal, and do the adjustments as per your need,
Now the above execution will all update your Warehouse but not the Inventory so to update the Inventory now you need to navigate Item Journal.
In item journal you will find an action button as Calc. Whse Adjustmnent, Press it and it will automatically fetch all item which inventory needs to be adjusted and then post it.
To others who doesn't know the process to pass negative & positive adjustment in advance warehouse module -->
First go to warehouse item journal --> Update item number, Quantity(+/-) location code and select from zone & bin code. To Zone, update item tracking lines & bin code will automatic update as adj bin based on warehouse setup. and click on register option which is available in ribbon.
Then go to item journal calculate whse. item journal, give the filter option and click on ok. Once you will click on ok system will calculate the the lines and update in item journal screen, update item tracking lines and post the (+/-) journal.
PS: Try this:
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Now the above execution will all update your Warehouse but not the Inventory so to update the Inventory now you need to navigate Item Journal.
In item journal you will find an action button as Calc. Whse Adjustmnent, Press it and it will automatically fetch all item which inventory needs to be adjusted and then post it.
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with same process. I have seen your reply today. Thanks.
First go to warehouse item journal --> Update item number, Quantity(+/-) location code and select from zone & bin code. To Zone, update item tracking lines & bin code will automatic update as adj bin based on warehouse setup. and click on register option which is available in ribbon.
Then go to item journal calculate whse. item journal, give the filter option and click on ok. Once you will click on ok system will calculate the the lines and update in item journal screen, update item tracking lines and post the (+/-) journal.