Can anyone help me with this problem??
When I tried to run the Navision Application server using
nas appservername=nas1,servername=finserver,company="Cronus Indonesia PT.",startupparameter=p,nettype=netb
it returns
"The combination of user ID and password entered is invalid. Try again"
Do you need to specify the user ID and password to start the application server. what properties do I need to use to specify this?
There is also a property called startupparameter, what is the use of this property?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
i have started the navision database server, and name it finserver.
meanwhile, if I check the Services (administrative tools->service), there is one service name Database Server. This service is not started, and its service name is p4se(my computer name). For some reason, I can't start this service. Which of the service should I use for the server parameter??
"nas.exe appservername=p4se, uninstallassservice"
than if you run command
"nas appservername=nas1,servername=finserver,company="Cronus Indonesia PT.",startupparameter=p,nettype=netb,installasservice"
new service will be created in services and you can set the account under which it will be running. For configuring the service you can use MMC snap-in.
Read documentation for this...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
The questions:
1.What is the purpose of Application Server and Database Server?
2.When I use Navision client(except as standalone), is it connected to Application Server or Database Server or can be both?
I tried to connect to Database Server, it works fine, but not to the Application Server(I don't know how to connect Navision client to an Application Server).
3.My understanding is
Client -> Database Server = Valid
Application Server -> Database Server = valid
Client -> Application Server = invalid
Client -> Application Server -> Database Server = invalid
-> means connected to
is it right??
4.How do you change the name of the database server?
I tried to run the database server using this command:
"server servername=finserver,database=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Database Server\database.fdb,nettype=tcp"
But whatever is the value of servername, I always must use P4SE(my computer name). Both the client and Application Server Management must use P4SE.
Client is always connected to DB Server. Because APP Server is client without GUI, it is always connected to DB server too.
And because you are not able to connect client to client, you are not able to connect client to app server.
As written over...
That you change name of the server does not mean that the server is under this name known on network. In client, you enter name of the server - it means name which is resolved to IP address and can be translated to some PORT no. (through services file for example, where is written, that service with name FINSERVER is on port 2415). Or you can enter IP and PORT no. directly (for example
You must ensure, that client is able to translate the server name to correct IP and correct PORT no... (through DNS, WINS, HOST file etc.)
MVP - Dynamics NAV
When do you need to use application server? is it used when we create custom application? When we create a custom application (let's say using .NET), do we connect it directly to database or through the application server??
Simple applications can use direct acces (with caution) and more complex are better with NAS... it is on you...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
How do you make a modification to the NAS? For Client, you can use the object designer to create or modify objects, how about the NAS?
I haven't found any tools that can be used with NAS, the only tools that I use is only "Application Server Manager".
MVP - Dynamics NAV
For instance.... Let's say you want to write a record every minute. You would write a single instance codeunit called "Write Record", that contains a timer object that writes a record to a table every minute (any table, that is not relevant). Then, you come up with a startup parameter, let's say you call it 'WR' for Write Record. Then, in codeunit 1, in the NASHandler function, you add a CASE for 'WR', in which you start the single instance codeunit.
Now your NAS is ready to start, as long as your database is running in either Navision Database Server or in SQL server. You define the server, the database, the company, etc. etc. and this should do the trick.