OBJECT Report 50001 Read CSV File { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=06-13-18; Time=00:00:00; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { ProcessingOnly=Yes; OnPostReport=BEGIN IF GUIALLOWED THEN MESSAGE('Process ended, lines %1', i); END; } DATAITEMS { { PROPERTIES { DataItemTable=Table2000000026; DataItemTableView=SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1)); OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ReadFile(FileName); END; } SECTIONS { { PROPERTIES { SectionType=Body; SectionWidth=12000; SectionHeight=846; } CONTROLS { } } } } } REQUESTFORM { PROPERTIES { Width=9020; Height=3410; SaveValues=Yes; } CONTROLS { { 1000000002;TextBox;3630 ;220 ;5170 ;440 ;InPage=-1; CaptionML=ENU=File Name; SourceExpr=FileName } { 1000000003;Label ;220 ;220 ;3300 ;440 ;ParentControl=1000000002; InPage=-1 } } } CODE { VAR FileName@1000000000 : Text[1024]; Sep@1000000004 : TextConst 'ESP=";"'; i@1100288000 : Integer; PROCEDURE ReadFile@1000000000(FileName@1000000000 : Text[1024]); VAR qFile@1000000001 : File; Line@1000000002 : Text[1024]; Value@1000000009 : Text[1024]; qFecha@1000000010 : Date; qDec@1000000011 : Decimal; qInt@1000000012 : Integer; qDialog@1000000008 : Dialog; BEGIN IF GUIALLOWED THEN qDialog.OPEN('Reading File: #1######'); i := 0; qFile.TEXTMODE := TRUE; IF qFile.OPEN(FileName) THEN BEGIN WHILE qFile.POS < qFile.LEN DO BEGIN qFile.READ(Line); i := i +1 ; IF GUIALLOWED THEN qDialog.UPDATE(1, i); Value := UPPERCASE(Entry(1, Line, Sep)); END; END; END; PROCEDURE Entry@1000000004(PintEntry@1000000000 : Integer;PtexEntries@1000000001 : Text[1024];PtexSeperator@1000000002 : Text[1]) PtexReturnValue : Text[1024]; VAR LintLength@1000000003 : Integer; Lint@1000000004 : Integer; BEGIN // Entry // gives an entry of a list base on an integer // (like Navision SELECTSTR, but without bugs) // PARAMETERS : // PintEntry : which element must be returned // IF (PintElement <= 0) OR (PintElement > NumEntries(PtexEntries,PtexSeperator)) // THEN '' is returned // PtexEntries : list // PtexSeperator : character used as separator // if = '' then ',' is used // PtexReturnValue : selected element PtexReturnValue := ''; LintLength := STRLEN(PtexEntries); IF (LintLength = 0) OR (PintEntry <= 0) THEN EXIT(''); IF PtexSeperator = '' THEN PtexSeperator := ','; Lint := 0; WHILE Lint < LintLength DO BEGIN Lint := Lint + 1; IF COPYSTR(PtexEntries,Lint,1) = PtexSeperator THEN PintEntry := PintEntry - 1 ELSE IF PintEntry = 1 THEN PtexReturnValue := PtexReturnValue + COPYSTR(PtexEntries,Lint,1); END; EXIT(PtexReturnValue); END; BEGIN END. } }
Value := UPPERCASE(Entry(1, Line, Sep));
You can convert the Value that it is a Text to the value that you are expecting,
To get de second field
Value := UPPERCASE(Entry(2, Line, Sep));
An so on.
So basically, there is no solution using the built-in tools if you want to automate things?
I'm a bit disappointed. Coding up something like this is like reinventing a wheel that has been invented decades ago.
I can do it in a codeunit as well and avoid future classic -> rdlc conversion work.