Mirroring of Navision Forms??????/

bhupendrabhupendra Member Posts: 7
Hi !

It would be greate help if someone can help me out in making mirror of forms in navision.Though i tried to do the same in C#.net it is working fine but i am not able to do this in navision. please go throgh the following details ......

Implementing Mirror-Aware Controls for Windows Application with Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET provides a wide support of Arabic, in application development. Yet, Windows Forms do not support mirroring directly, as they do with the RightToLeft property. Meanwhile, to enable this feature, Windows Forms do give developers the capability to customize the appearance and functionality of the controls through inheritance. This discussion only involves managed code, since you may not need the hassle of unmanaged code. This article will explain the meaning of mirroring and investigate the ability to extend existing controls to add the mirroring property.

What is Mirroring?
Mirroring is a term used to specify right-to left (RTL) layout, which identifies how text and GDI objects are laid out in a window. Therefore, it gives a perfect right-to-left (RTL) look and feel to the UI. For Windows 98 and Windows Me, this technology was only available on Arabic enabled and localized operating systems. However, on all Windows 2000 varieties and later, are already mirroring aware. Mirroring is in fact nothing else than a coordinate transformation:

The window layout applies to text but also affects the other GDI elements of the window, including bitmaps, icons, the location of the origin, buttons, cascading tree controls, and whether the horizontal coordinate increases as you go left or right. For example, after an application has set RTL layout, the origin is positioned at the right edge of the window or device, and the number representing the horizontal coordinate increases as you move left. However, not all objects are affected by the layout of a window. For example, the layout for dialog boxes, message boxes, and device contexts is not associated with a window. However, changing to a RTL layout is not supported for windows that have the style CS_OWNDC. For a DC with the GM_ADVANCED graphic mode the behavior may be inconsistent with what you need. It reverses text as you would see later.

How to Enable Mirroring of your Control?
The steps to mirror your controls:

Create a new custom control class. Set it to inherit from the control you wish to mirror.
Create the Mirrored property under the category Appearance.
Override the CreateParams method of the control's class, which gives you the ability to set the desired control styles while the control is still being created. If the Mirrored property is set to yes then add the RTL layout to the control and if not keep the same styles.
Create a test form, and add a reference to the previously created mirrored control; add the new control to the form.

Now, you have the Mirrored property available in the properties window and you can use it as needed.

The Windows form is considered a control since it is derived from the System.Windows.Forms.Control class.

The two window styles you would need:

WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL (400000 hexadecimal)
This style sets the layout to RTL. Therefore, the horizontal origin is the right edge and increasing horizontal value would advance to the left.
WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT (100000 hexadecimal)
This style prevents the layout from being inherited, by the child windows because not all controls need RTL layout. Therefore, you need to enforce the controls on the forms will not get mirrored. Imagine that you mirror text and then the letters would appear in reversed order!!! This behavior is caused because the label control device context is in the GM_ADVANCED mode.
These figures show the effect of removing this flag:

Original Form : both the WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL and the WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT are set Form without setting the WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT

These two styles are not defined in the system and therefore you need to use their hexadecimal values to use them, as shown later.
The following is a list of the controls, which can now support mirroring and whether they need to allow inheritance of the layout.

Control Should not allow layout inheritance
Listview No
Panel Yes
Statusbar Yes
Tabcontrol Yes
TabPage Yes
Toolbar No
TreeView No
Form Yes
Splitter Yes
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