
Exporting Item list to excel with a report in NAV 2018

AitorEGAitorEG Member Posts: 342
Hi everyone,

As i've wrote in the tittle, I need to export a item list to excel in NAV 2018. In 2013, I was doing it with a report, defined as shown below:

CodeUnit code calling to the report:

ServerDestination := 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\insizeStock\';
Tofile := STRSUBSTNO('InsizeEUR.xlsx');
REPORT.SAVEASEXCEL(50070,ServerDestination + Tofile);



"Item" dataitem properties:


Report properties:


When I run the method from the Codeunit, The excel is created, but it is empty. Is it possible to create a escel with a report in NAV2018, or should I create it with an XMLPort??

Thank you very much
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