1.Trying to reduce the item description length from 55 character to 50
In the table we have no records above 50 chracters.
when I make the change I get the following error
"You cannot delete or chage this type of the description field(in teh item table) before the value of teh field is "" or 0 This error occured due to a non zero value was found for the record No. 100001" in company development
How can i change this.
2Is there an easy way to set a combo box on a form to a default value everytime and on any preexisitng items set the combo if it has a null vlaue to a default value(default value="STANDARD")
Thank you
1. u get this error because u have data already on the table for the field u are trying to change the field length..do as suggexted by dimitrix
2. To set a value for combo box as default, u have to program on the required trigger, as and when u want the default value to aapear on the combo
// Please note that when any code changes are made to this trigger the same code changes must be
// made to fStdCostOnValidate function at the bottom of this table.
//add this to the OnValidate
lvCuStdCost.fUpdateWithCostComponents(xRec, Rec);
Create a new Local Function called "fStdCostFieldOnValidate"
IF ("Costing Method" = "Costing Method"::Standard) AND (CurrFieldNo <> 0) THEN
IF NOT CONFIRM(Text020 + Text021 + Text022,FALSE, FIELDCAPTION("Standard Cost"))
"Standard Cost" := xRec."Standard Cost";
dmitrip--Thanks this worked, I didnt want to touch the SQL part of things as navision is quite touchy on things when you take the sql server approch. But your solution worked.
ajay_setin & Stefan Verwey
Stefan Your code worked great, I was curious as to there might be other methods of doing this using the designer, as im new to navision and am finding a couple of solutions to 1 problem
Thanks again