Non Regional Dynamics Partner

sunnyksunnyk Member Posts: 280
Is it possible to have MS partner outside of your country of implementation. We are singapore based company and have NaV 2016 implemented in 2015. The partners here are really not up the mark and we can do much about it. We are looking for some consultants or possible partners to take over.


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 629
    Your local Microsoft subsidiary must approve it.
  • tomcollinstomcollins Member Posts: 5
    Before you end up being disappointed again, I recommend you evaluate your shortlisted partners with on demand support and training tasks, before you commit to anything bigger or even a change of partner on record. Once you feel confident enough your future partner will be happy to help you getting the partner change executed with Microsoft.

    Note, if your company is using a 3rd party ISV solution for NAV, please make sure that your future partner can support the add-on and has partner access to the object range.
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