LOCAL FindSourceName() : Text IF "Source No." = '' THEN EXIT(''); CASE "Source Type" OF "Source Type"::Vendor: BEGIN Vendor.GET("Source No."); EXIT(Vendor.Name); END; "Source Type"::Customer: BEGIN Customer.GET("Source No."); EXIT(Customer.Name); END; "Source Type"::"Bank Account": BEGIN BankAccount.GET("Source No."); EXIT(BankAccount.Name); END; "Source Type"::"Fixed Asset": BEGIN FixedAsset.GET("Source No."); EXIT(FixedAsset.Description); END; END;
Use "Source Type"/"Source No." combination of "G/L Entry" to get a link.
Moreover, VLE and CLE are created before posting of Gen. Jnl. Line to GLE.
Yeah ,"Source Type/Source no." having customer and vendor details,but i need to populate the new field which i given in G/L entry table whether it is customer or vendor name.
If you want to fill your new created "Name" field in G/L Entry, make it during posting procedures, using, e.g. Event Subscription possibilities.