In NAV17 environment I created Page Web Services following Walkthrough: Creating and Interacting with a Page Web Service (OData) (
But when I tried to run the web services
can’t reach this page message is displayed in browser.

PS. I have disabled firewall, set rule to allow the port (7048) and also checked on enable OData Services in NAV Administration.
1. In command prompt I wrote the following code and I found that port 7048 is listed as TCP and listening
netstat -an
2. When Write following in Cmd following outpot is shown
telnet host 7048
---> Connecting To host...Could not open connection to the host, on port 7048: Connect failed
How to start the web service?
If anything went wrong during NST startup you should find an error in this logbook.
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Although I didn't change the IP, I tried to restart the services enabling and disabling OData, it suddenly works! (I tried it earlier but didn't work at that time).
Beside I tried with different browser and also create separate instance for OData only ( I can see the result at this time) .