I hope someone can help me out. We have a customer which we want to upgrade from 3.10 to 4.0. Except there is no documentation on the product CD, regarding the steps we have to take. Also this cannot be found on either the Partnerguide or Partnersource.
Does anyone have this documentation + relating .fob files, or knows how to get it.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Remco van de Ven
Denis Petrov.
I had recently upgraded from 3.70A to 4.00
I had no data "upgrade" needs as the data stayed the same from 3.70 to 3.70A to 3.70b to 4.00.
After you upgraded or merged all you modified objects into 4.00, create a new 4.00 DB & restore the complete set of new 4.00(merged) set of objects (application objects as well as common to all companies).
Then restore the data from the previous version (3.70).
If you upgrade from older version than 3.70, then upgrade the data to 3.70 first and refer to that version's Documentation!
Regards, Stefan
MVP - Dynamics NAV
You are so very correct with your answer, but clearly had you not used the upgrade toolkit.
The question at first was for the documentation and upgrade objects to upgrade the data.
On previous version had there been data conversion issues where not only the functionality had been upgraded but also data changed been applied with it.
This FOB files were update reports specifically to put data now into the new altered fields or tables related to the upgrade. Huge issue if you might have remembered the upgrades from 2.6 to 3.00 to 3.01 to 3.10 related to CRM etc.
The use of the Toolkit is to compare and merge objects & NOT data.
Regards, Stefan
No. I am not talking about Navision Developer toolkit (which is for merging objects) but about Upgrade Toolkit... fob for transforming data and documentation how to do it... and this upgtlkt is on the MIBUSO DVD for example :-) NDT is only one for all, UpgTlkt must be localized to be able to transform local specific data... and for some countries is not available yet...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Remco van de Ven
I have the W1 Upgrade toolkit + documentation from previous versions to 4.00 maybe Luc can put in in the download section. If not drop me a line and I will mail. Be warned it is +- 3Mb. (Goes from version 2 .. 3.7 to 4.00)
Luc maybe you could let me know how to get it to you.
Please let me know.