Hello experts.
I have just integrated NAV(2015) with CRM(2015) through connector. All gone ok with connector including Adapter setting, initial synchronization etc.
But when I monitored the synchronization for NAV Item card to Product in connector, initially all items didn't synchronized in CRM but after recurring attempt all items were synchronized.
But when I m created a new item in NAV , it is not synchronizing in CRM, even connector does not showing any log for this.
No error, warning, info etc. Although synchronizing is going on in a given time(55 sec) interval.
What should be the issue?
Thanks in advance.
1. Create/Update Item in Nav.
2. What do you see in Tab. 5151 "Integration Record".
Is there a records for table 27?
What data in field "Modified On"?
Yes, I created a new item , and then check the table 5151.
I found a newly created entry for this item.
Modified on 3/23/2018 10:36:17.843 AM.
Now what?
One more thing I want to share with you. I created a new user in NAV with super permission , when this user create any item in NAV. Then it is synchronizing in CRM successfully(I m able to see newly created item in CRM). But when delete from CRM that item then it is not deleting from NAV.
Is it something related to permission?.
From the actions of any user with the items, tab 5151 should change (first - create, next - change "Modified On", for test connector "Modified On", make change manualy, direct table 5151).
To work connector, need login for nav-side: navuser with SUPER permission.
Nav-Connector-CRM - first direction
CRM-Connector-NAV - second direction
first and second independent.
solve the issue completely with the first direction
more conditions...
- if may be delete Item in nav... (have open posting entries)
- if CRM not delete Product, because deactivate product.
...... recommendation...... may be....
- set ERROR('Test delete table for connector') In OnDelete trigger tab27 Item
- set ERROR('Test delete page for connector') In OnDelete trigger Page30 ItemCard
and check connector logs, after delete\deactivation Product in CRM (Product is set from Nav previously)
Thanks very much for your help.
Now I am able to delete item from NAV and it is deleted same product in CRM also.