Schema synchronization may result in deleted data referencing a table that doesn't exist

spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 77
Running into an odd situation when trying to create a new table in NAV. Created a new table in NAV under my custom object range and when I go to compile the object I get the following error:

The schema synchronization may result in deleted data...

It then references a linked table that was from 5 years ago and deleted. Some observations are we did a clean install 2 years ago and imported all active objects into a new database. The phantom table wasn't part of that but it seems to have been in metadata somewhere? I'm not able to force a synch through Object Designer or Powershell at this point. I could just use a different object number but I would like to clean this up.

I was thinking of recreating the phantom table in its entirety and see if I can then go through the delete process again. It seems to be an issue with the fact that it was a linked table. The associated view no longer exists and hasn't for years.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Best Answer

  • spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 77
    Answer ✓
    This is resolved. I was able to find it was an issue with the Metadata Snapshot being out of synch. There's a Database Check Tool on MS that I ran that found the issue and the resolution was to synch the Snapshot to SQL.


  • spider1269spider1269 Member Posts: 77
    Answer ✓
    This is resolved. I was able to find it was an issue with the Metadata Snapshot being out of synch. There's a Database Check Tool on MS that I ran that found the issue and the resolution was to synch the Snapshot to SQL.
  • Gregors_22Gregors_22 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Spider...Any chance you could elaborate on this tool, and how you used it? I'm hitting the same issue you were.
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