HI! Is anybody know a sulution for my problem? So it is...
I run the form on Temporary table. For example:
SalesLineTMP is defined as Temporary Table in Globals.
SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","No.");
SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type," "Document Type");
IF SalesLine.FIND('-') THEN
UNTIL SalesLine.NEXT = 0;
It works very nice!
When the Form is open, I can see inserted records. I can do some modifications for example changed the quantity or Unit price....
The result is that "Line Amount" is change as well. It is OK.
What I need is:
I need calculate "Line Amount" on all records shown in form. I need it use for something like a Statistics F9. How? Flowfield doesn't work... THX
When you get into your function, you have to save the current record, all it's filters and the currentkey. Then you can do a RESET and read all records to make your total, and then you have to restore the current record,filters and currentkey.
Some exemple:
PS : don't use But use This is better when you have to do an upgrade,merge or someone else has to read your code.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!