Can i Catch a MESSAGE() as break point on the debugger?

Brax007Brax007 Member Posts: 26
Hi everyone,

Can someone tell me if it's possible to make the debugger break on a message which it's location is unkown?
If not, is there a way to add a customized break rule?

Thanks in advance.


  • rnjbngrnjbng Member Posts: 82
    When you are putting a message how is the location unknown? You can put the values in the message and display the message. You don't need a breakpoint.
  • mtlmonkmtlmonk Member Posts: 48
    Maybe he wants to track an existing message (base nav).
  • rnjbngrnjbng Member Posts: 82
    You will then have to put a breakpoint somewhere in the code and then step through the code till you hit the code where you want to trace the values.
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632
    When message appears, only immediately start debugger. Debugger will stop at next line after message.
  • Brax007Brax007 Member Posts: 26
    Exactly, I want to track the message.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    Export objects as text and search there, or export translation file and search there. Now open the object you found in the dev environment, search for the message statement and (if the debugger break was not intended solely to find the message,) set a breakepoint.
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