NAV LS Retail Promotions

Hi All,

I want to setup some type of promotions in the Nav LS retail POS.

But after a big research I am not sure if this type of promotion That I want is possible to execute, what looks weird for any POS system I think is Possible.

The promotion That I want To setup is

I Have Product A and Product B and My promotion Criteria are

For any 10 QTY of the Product A I should have 1 Unit offer from this Can be setup But if I want Combinations Like

For any 5 QTY of the Product A and 5 of the product B I should have 1 Unit offer from Product A.

For any 10 QTY of the Product A and 5 of the product B I should have 2 Unit offer from Product A. Because I have the Criteria Buy the 10 Product A offer 1 unit and also If I buy 5 of the Product A + 5 QTY of the Product B I will offer 1 Unit .

So Every time my criteria Meet I should Offer the Product A like

For any 20 QTY of the Product A and 5 of the product B I should have 3 Unit offer from Product A and so on.

Basic for every time I buy the Product A 10 QTY 20 QTY, 30 QTY and have 5 QTY of the product B this should be smart to Offer unit of the product A.

The only situation I will not have any discount is if I buy less the 5 QTY of the Product A.

I Believe this is not easy and Maybe needs to be more then 1 Promotions, but the issue the POS should Apply the Promotions multiple Time if all the Criteria meets.

Thank you
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