Question about the work date.
Both my local enviroment (with a demo/dev license) as the customer site (SPLA license) is using a strange date.
For example today's date is 28-02-2018 but both version use the date 26-02-2018.
I can set the correct date but when I close the client and reopen it again the date is back to 26-02-2018.
I'm running Nav 2018 CU2.
Is this because of a license problem or is there some other setting that is causing this?
as far as I know it can be due flag Demo Company on Company information table.
Thank for the tip. The flag is checked but how do I uncheck it?
If you create new empty company it will have flag on false.
The strange date is actually last posting date in g/l entries.
Best regards.
Thank you.