Hi there,
i need to use an ActiveX dll on NST, so I need to convert it to dotNet. I tried to use
tlbimp to convert it and at first it seemed, that I succeed. But NAV throws an error, that .NET framework object cannot be instantiated. All DLLs are on NST and accessible in development client. Has anyone some suggestion?

- If your code runs on client, you have to copy your DLL to publicly accessible folder (Add-ins folder in client folder is the best) - in that situation should be variable property RunOnClient set to Yes.
- If your code runs on server, you have to copy your DLL to publicly accessible folder (Add-ins folder in server folder is the best) - in that situation should be variable property RunOnClient set to No.
No, the DLL is not strongly signed, but tlbimp allows this option - but this DLL is used only in codeunit, not as a control on page, so this should not be a problem
Yes, I have also tested this option - I've copied it everywhere.
Yes, the DLLs (.NET and original ActiveX) are on NST and I see them in DEV client.
If you be so kind, you can test it yourself on your server - just try to construct AtouchDirClass ...
Sorry to admins, that I've uploaded it as PDF ...