My client is running in version 3.7 and the remaining quantity on the Inventory Valuation report does not agree to Quantity on hand. I thought, at first that this was a date issue, but it is not. I ran report for 12/31/9999 and the problem still exists. I have narrowed down that the problem started 9/23/99. But I can not figure out how to correct this.
I know the total of the Item application entries = to Total Quantities & Remaining Qty in Item Ledger Entry table.
What am I missing? Ideas please....Yes they did reciently convert from version 2.0 to 3.7.
Value entries did not correspond with Item ledger entries. Created Report 80140 (dup of 10139 v3.70B) under sections - Iten Ledger Entry, Footer 6...added code to trigger (Iten Ledger Entry, Footer 6 OnPreSection)...
IF RemainingQty > 0 THEN
IF InventoryValue < 0 THEN BEGIN
ItemJournal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM1';
ItemJournal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TOLDCOST';
IF ItemJournal."Line No." =0 THEN
ItemJournal."Line No." := 10000
ItemJournal."Line No." := ItemJournal."Line No." + 10000;
ItemJournal."Item No." := "Item No.";
ItemJournal."Posting Date":= 073105D;
ItemJournal."Document No." := 'CSCrctInvV';
ItemJournal.Description := Item.Description;
ItemJournal."Location Code" := 'LAF';
ItemJournal.Quantity := RemainingQty;
ItemJournal."Invoiced Quantity" := RemainingQty;
ItemJournal."Quantity (Base)" := RemainingQty;
ItemJournal."Invoiced Qty. (Base)" := RemainingQty;
ItemJournal."Unit Amount" := 0;
ItemJournal.Amount := 0;
ItemJournal."Source Code" := 'ITEMJNL';
ItemJournal."Gen. Prod. Posting Group" := Item."Gen. Prod. Posting Group";
ItemJournal."Document Date" := 073105D;
ItemJournal."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
ItemJournal."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
ItemJournal."Value Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Value Entry Type"::"Direct Cost";
ItemJournal."Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.";
ItemJournal."Unit Cost" := UnitCost;
ItemJnlReversal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM2';
ItemJnlReversal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TNEWCOST';
ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type" := ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type"::"Positive Adjmt.";
ItemJnlReversal."Unit Cost" := ItemUnitCost;
I posted Journal entry Toldcost & Tnewcost. This corrected Negative unit costs.
Modified same report in same section with Code...
IF RemainingQty = 0 THEN
IF InventoryValue <> 0 THEN BEGIN
ItemJournal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM1';
ItemJournal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TOLDCOST';
IF ItemJournal."Line No." =0 THEN
ItemJournal."Line No." := 10000
ItemJournal."Line No." := ItemJournal."Line No." + 10000;
ItemJournal."Item No." := "Item No.";
ItemJournal."Posting Date":= 073105D;
ItemJournal."Document No." := 'CrctInvV';
ItemJournal.Description := Item.Description;
ItemJournal."Location Code" := 'LAF';
ItemJournal.Quantity := 1;
ItemJournal."Invoiced Quantity" := 1;
ItemJournal."Quantity (Base)" := 1;
ItemJournal."Invoiced Qty. (Base)" := 1;
ItemJournal."Unit Amount" := 0;
ItemJournal.Amount := 0;
ItemJournal."Source Code" := 'ITEMJNL';
ItemJournal."Gen. Prod. Posting Group" := Item."Gen. Prod. Posting Group";
ItemJournal."Document Date" := 063005D;
ItemJournal."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
ItemJournal."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
ItemJournal."Value Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Value Entry Type"::"Direct Cost";
ItemJournal."Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Entry Type"::"Positive Adjmt.";
ItemJournal."Unit Cost" := 0;
ItemJournal."Unit Amount" := 0;
ItemJnlReversal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM2';
ItemJnlReversal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TNEWCOST';
ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type" := ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.";
IF InventoryValue >0 THEN BEGIN
ItemJnlReversal."Unit Cost" := InventoryValue;
IF InventoryValue <0 THEN BEGIN
ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type" := ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.";
ItemJnlReversal."Unit Cost" := InventoryValue;
I posted Journal entry Toldcost & Tnewcost.
This cleared all remqining QTY =0 and remaining Inventory Value. I ned ran Adjust cost & Post to G\L and everything was back to normal with correct cost brought forward to G\L.