Inventory Valuation Report Remaining Qty problem

csimoneauxcsimoneaux Member Posts: 168
My client is running in version 3.7 and the remaining quantity on the Inventory Valuation report does not agree to Quantity on hand. I thought, at first that this was a date issue, but it is not. I ran report for 12/31/9999 and the problem still exists. I have narrowed down that the problem started 9/23/99. But I can not figure out how to correct this.
I know the total of the Item application entries = to Total Quantities & Remaining Qty in Item Ledger Entry table.
What am I missing? Ideas please....Yes they did reciently convert from version 2.0 to 3.7.


  • csimoneauxcsimoneaux Member Posts: 168
    edited 2005-08-10
    Database was corrupt. Client had deleted Item ledger entries in order to delete items they no longer used.
    Value entries did not correspond with Item ledger entries. Created Report 80140 (dup of 10139 v3.70B) under sections - Iten Ledger Entry, Footer 6...added code to trigger (Iten Ledger Entry, Footer 6 OnPreSection)...

    IF RemainingQty > 0 THEN
    IF InventoryValue < 0 THEN BEGIN
    ItemJournal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM1';
    ItemJournal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TOLDCOST';
    IF ItemJournal."Line No." =0 THEN
    ItemJournal."Line No." := 10000
    ItemJournal."Line No." := ItemJournal."Line No." + 10000;
    ItemJournal."Item No." := "Item No.";
    ItemJournal."Posting Date":= 073105D;
    ItemJournal."Document No." := 'CSCrctInvV';
    ItemJournal.Description := Item.Description;
    ItemJournal."Location Code" := 'LAF';
    ItemJournal.Quantity := RemainingQty;
    ItemJournal."Invoiced Quantity" := RemainingQty;
    ItemJournal."Quantity (Base)" := RemainingQty;
    ItemJournal."Invoiced Qty. (Base)" := RemainingQty;
    ItemJournal."Unit Amount" := 0;
    ItemJournal.Amount := 0;
    ItemJournal."Source Code" := 'ITEMJNL';
    ItemJournal."Gen. Prod. Posting Group" := Item."Gen. Prod. Posting Group";
    ItemJournal."Document Date" := 073105D;
    ItemJournal."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
    ItemJournal."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
    ItemJournal."Value Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Value Entry Type"::"Direct Cost";
    ItemJournal."Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.";
    ItemJournal."Unit Cost" := UnitCost;


    ItemJnlReversal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM2';
    ItemJnlReversal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TNEWCOST';
    ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type" := ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type"::"Positive Adjmt.";
    ItemJnlReversal."Unit Cost" := ItemUnitCost;


    I posted Journal entry Toldcost & Tnewcost. This corrected Negative unit costs.

    Modified same report in same section with Code...

    IF RemainingQty = 0 THEN
    IF InventoryValue <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    ItemJournal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM1';
    ItemJournal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TOLDCOST';
    IF ItemJournal."Line No." =0 THEN
    ItemJournal."Line No." := 10000
    ItemJournal."Line No." := ItemJournal."Line No." + 10000;
    ItemJournal."Item No." := "Item No.";
    ItemJournal."Posting Date":= 073105D;
    ItemJournal."Document No." := 'CrctInvV';
    ItemJournal.Description := Item.Description;
    ItemJournal."Location Code" := 'LAF';
    ItemJournal.Quantity := 1;
    ItemJournal."Invoiced Quantity" := 1;
    ItemJournal."Quantity (Base)" := 1;
    ItemJournal."Invoiced Qty. (Base)" := 1;
    ItemJournal."Unit Amount" := 0;
    ItemJournal.Amount := 0;
    ItemJournal."Source Code" := 'ITEMJNL';
    ItemJournal."Gen. Prod. Posting Group" := Item."Gen. Prod. Posting Group";
    ItemJournal."Document Date" := 063005D;
    ItemJournal."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
    ItemJournal."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
    ItemJournal."Value Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Value Entry Type"::"Direct Cost";
    ItemJournal."Entry Type" := ItemJournal."Entry Type"::"Positive Adjmt.";
    ItemJournal."Unit Cost" := 0;
    ItemJournal."Unit Amount" := 0;

    ItemJnlReversal."Journal Template Name" := 'ITEM2';
    ItemJnlReversal."Journal Batch Name" := 'TNEWCOST';
    ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type" := ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.";

    IF InventoryValue >0 THEN BEGIN
    ItemJnlReversal."Unit Cost" := InventoryValue;

    IF InventoryValue <0 THEN BEGIN
    ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type" := ItemJnlReversal."Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.";
    ItemJnlReversal."Unit Cost" := InventoryValue;


    I posted Journal entry Toldcost & Tnewcost.
    This cleared all remqining QTY =0 and remaining Inventory Value. I ned ran Adjust cost & Post to G\L and everything was back to normal with correct cost brought forward to G\L.
  • csimoneauxcsimoneaux Member Posts: 168
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