OnInsert() Recipients:='roliveira@sameca.com';// SMTPMailSetup.GET; SMTPMail.CreateMessage( '', 'roliveira@sameca.com', Recipients, TestMailTitleTxt1, STRSUBSTNO( MailBody, USERID),TRUE); SMTPMail.Send;
OnDatabaseInsert (RecRef: RecordRef) ChangeLogMgt.LogInsertion (RecRef); IntegrationManagement.OnDatabaseInsert (RecRef); //This one?? OnAfterOnDatabaseInsert (RecRef);
IF IsIntegrationRecord (TableID) OR IsIntegrationRecordChild (TableID) THEN BEGIN Insert: = TRUE; Modify: = TRUE; Delete: = TRUE; Rename: = TRUE; END;....
IsIntegrationRecord (TableID: Integer): Boolean EXIT (TableID IN [DATABASE :: Resource, DATABASE :: MYTABLE]); // ??
Or at least create a boolean in the table that tells if notification has been sent or not and create a codeunit that takes care of notification and run that codeunit with the job queue every minute. I guess it doesn't have to be a real-time notification.