Posting with different currency

domela0911domela0911 Member Posts: 2
Product : Navision 2017
The company currency is USD. I am doing a journal entry as follows:
DEbit a vendor , with currency code EUR
Credit a G/L account
When posting, we got the following error message:
amount No. need to be rounded in G/L entry, Entry No

Can you please help to resolve this issue?


  • allenyyzhouallenyyzhou Member Posts: 142

    "amount No. need to be rounded in G/L entry, Entry No", is this the exact message you got?
    If so, this maybe customization, you need to consult people who did this customization.

    By the way, it is totally OK to posting with different currency in General Journal, as long as Balance of LCY is Zero.
  • domela0911domela0911 Member Posts: 2
    we notice that the problem arise when we are applying a Gl entry against an invoice. However when inputting the GL entry and post without applying, it works fine.
  • allenyyzhouallenyyzhou Member Posts: 142

    Could you paste the screen shot here?
    A little detail about the GL entry and the Invoice?
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'Navision Financials' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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