I've created an XML Document in Navision using the DOM Object and some functions of code unit 6224. That's quite ok, the file looks ok in a viewer programm (internet explorer for example).
If viewed with a text editor, there are no line breaks in the file. This is a problem if the file later causes a parsing error (XMLParseError.line is useless and XMLParseError.src l would exceed 1024 characters).
As I understand, line breaks are not part of the xml specification, but become very handy for debugging reasons.
Any ideas?
Many thanks in advance
we use this function to get most of the information:
and don't try to put srcText in the message when working with very big files
There is another problem with validation:
To validate a xmlDoc against its schema, I often use a function similar to function validatexmldocument in codeunit 99008518. This works sometimes ok, but sometimes only with xml4-objects and sometimes not at all (when it does not work an error occurs in the add-method of the schemacache -- so I have no chance to handle the error).
As far as I know, there are 3 concepts to test against a schema: noNameSpaceSchemaLocation, schemaLocation and schema cache. I guess schema cache is convenient, because it does not depend on a given filename in the xmlDoc.
Do you have a "bullet proof" method to validate against its schema?
Many thanks in advance